Vermont Law & Graduate School | Apply Now
Expansive image of Oakes Hall on Vermont Law and Graduate School's campus

JD and Residential Programs AT vERMONT LAW AND gRADUATE SCHOOL



You have been admitted to Vermont Law and Graduate School.  Please let us know your plans by accepting or declining our offer of admissions.  If you have any questions about this form, please contact the admissions office at 888-277-5985 or  We look forward to seeing you as part of our next incoming class!

If you have instead been admitted to our Online Masters, LLM, and Certificate programs, please use this form instead.

Student Information

Format: 01/01/1999

Intent to Enroll

I Intend to Enroll

I Decline the Invitation to Enroll

Intent to Apply for Financial Aid

Information Collection Disclosure

The information you enter here is retained by VLGS for internal use and may be submitted to third-party tools or entities for specific, related purposes such as payment processing or reporting.  All data is collected and retained via secure protocols.